All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Class Description AudioManager This class controls the audio installed in the Moverio.CameraDevice This class controls the camera equipped to the Moverio.CameraManager This class controls the connection/disconnection with the camera equipped to the Moverio.CameraProperty This class defines the properties of the camera equipped to the Moverio.CaptureDataCallback This interface is used to receive image data of the camera equipped to the Moverio.CaptureDataCallback2 This interface is used to receive image data of the camera equipped to the Moverio.CaptureStateCallback2 This interface is used to receive notification of status change of the camera equipped to the Moverio.DeviceManager This class manage the temperature, system status of various mounted devices.DisplayManager This class controls the display installed in the Moverio.HeadsetStateCallback This interface is used to receive notifications of headset system state changes.PermissionGrantResultCallback This interface is used to receive notifications of headset system state changes.PermissionHelper When using a Moverio function, the user is notified of any authorization request related to the executed function from the system.Property Get properties related to Moverio.Property.BasicFunctionSdk Get BasicFunctionSdk properties such as "Version information".Property.Product Get product properties such as "Product name" and "Software version".SensorData This class indicates sensor data, and retains sensor data information such as type, time stamp, data, and accuracy.SensorDataListener This interface is used to receive new sensor data.SensorManager This class controls the sensors equipped to Moverio.