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onCameraClosed() - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.hardware.camera.CaptureStateCallback2
Called when CameraManager#close processing is completed successfully.
onCameraOpened() - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.hardware.camera.CaptureStateCallback2
Called when CameraManager#open processing is completed successfully.
onCaptureData(long, byte[]) - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.hardware.camera.CaptureDataCallback
It is a method for acquiring Moverio camera image data.
onCaptureData(long, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.hardware.camera.CaptureDataCallback2
It is a method for acquiring Moverio camera image data.
onCaptureStarted() - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.hardware.camera.CaptureStateCallback2
This method is called when camera image capture starts.
onCaptureStopped() - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.hardware.camera.CaptureStateCallback2
This method is called when camera image capture stops.
onHeadsetAttached() - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.system.HeadsetStateCallback
Called when a headset connection is detected.
onHeadsetDetached() - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.system.HeadsetStateCallback
Called when a headset disconnect is detected.
onHeadsetDisplaying() - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.system.HeadsetStateCallback
Called when the video input signal is detected.
onHeadsetTemperatureError() - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.system.HeadsetStateCallback
Called when the headset temperature error state is detected.
onPermissionGrantResult(String, int) - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.util.PermissionGrantResultCallback
Called after allowing or disallowing permission.
onPictureCompleted() - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.hardware.camera.CaptureStateCallback2
This method is called when still image capture is completed.
onPreviewStarted() - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.hardware.camera.CaptureStateCallback2
This method is called when preview display starts.
onPreviewStopped() - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.hardware.camera.CaptureStateCallback2
This method is called when preview display stops.
onRecordStarted() - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.hardware.camera.CaptureStateCallback2
This method is called when video recording starts.
onRecordStopped() - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.hardware.camera.CaptureStateCallback2
This method is called when video recording stops.
onRequestPermissionsResult(int, String[], int[]) - Method in class com.epson.moverio.util.PermissionHelper
This method passes to MoverioSDK the result of requesting permissions.
onSensorDataChanged(SensorData) - Method in interface com.epson.moverio.hardware.sensor.SensorDataListener
This is a method for retrieving Moverio sensor data.
open() - Method in class com.epson.moverio.hardware.audio.AudioManager
Connect to the Moverio's audio.
open() - Method in class com.epson.moverio.hardware.display.DisplayManager
Connect to the Moverio's display.
open() - Method in class com.epson.moverio.system.DeviceManager
Connect to the Moverio.
open(int, SensorDataListener) - Method in class com.epson.moverio.hardware.sensor.SensorManager
Connect with Moverio sensors.
open(CaptureStateCallback2, CaptureDataCallback, SurfaceHolder) - Method in class com.epson.moverio.hardware.camera.CameraManager
Connect with Moverio camera.
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